Factors to Consider When Selecting a Garage Door

In the modern world, the garage has emerged as an integral part of every household. A garage not only offers security and shelter for a vehicle but in most instances also doubles up as a tool shed or even storage area. As a requisite, a garage must have a door but the process of selecting a garage door can be quite challenging since garage doors are not quite similar to most normal doors. For U.K who might be looking for garage doors, the following overview on factors to consider when looking for a garage door might prove invaluable during the selection process.


The material used to make the door should also be considered during the selection process. Garage doors are usually made from different materials the most common n being wood, aluminium, steel, vinyl and most recently, fibre glass. 

As you may already know, each material has its advantage and disadvantage. For instance wood has great aesthetic appeal but is less durable when compared to other materials. Fibreglass on the other hand can last for a long time but tends to develop cracks when exposed to extreme cold. Aluminium and steel are also quite durable but lack aesthetic appeal. For U.K residents who might be interested in such doors, Hormann garage doors stocks doors made from different materials in a number of designs.

Garage door opener

This is one of the most important factors that should be considered when selecting a garage door. There are basically 3 types of garage door openers: the chain drive opener, screw drive opener and rubber belt opener.

The chain drive opener is one of the most popular and features a chain wound onto rollers and connected to the garage door. The chain drive opener is simple in design and as such one of the most cost-effective options but it can be quite noisy when in operation.

The screw drive opener works by sliding the garage door up or down a metal bar so as to open or close it while the rubber belt opener makes use of a rubber belt to open or close the garage door. All these doors can be easily found in the U.K market and a good example of one of the best brands is Hormann garage doors.



Safety should also be factored in when purchasing a door for your garage more so if you have pets or kids. In such a scenario, buying a door which has a safety feature: such as a laser sensor that detects a person or object in its path while closing then stops or reverses its direction is highly advisable.

Insulated or non-insulated

This is also another decision that has to be made when purchasing a door for your garage. As a norm, insulated garage doors are highly recommended if there is an inhabited room such as a bedroom or family room close to the garage. If not, an uninsulated garage door can be used so as to save on cost.

By considering the above factors, you are assured of getting the best door for your garage.